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How to Draught Proof Front Door

How to Draught Proof Front Door

Draughts can be a real nuisance in any home, allowing cold air to seep in during the winter and cool air to escape during the summer. One of the most common places for draughts to enter your home is through doors. Luckily, draught-proofing a door is a relatively simple and cost-effective DIY project that can make a significant difference in your home's comfort and energy efficiency. 

In this article, we will explore how to identify draughts on a door, the materials required for draught-proofing a door, the step-by-step process to draught-proof a door, and the benefits of draught-proofing a door.

Materials Required for Draught-Proofing a Door

Ensure you have all the necessary tools and materials handy. Most of these items are readily available at hardware stores or online, and they are relatively affordable too.

  • Draught Excluder Strips
  • Brush Strips
  • Measuring Tape
  • Hacksaw or Scissors
  • Screwdriver
  • Screws
  • Adhesive Sealant
  • Letterbox Draught Excluder

Let's now dive into the step-by-step process of draught-proofing a door.

How to Draught-Proof a Door

Whether you have an Oak front door, double front doormodern front door, or any other door, the process of draught-proofing remains the same for all the doors. To draught-proof a door, follow the below-mentioned steps:

  • Draught Strip Installation for Door Perimeter

Draught strips are the most common and effective way to seal gaps around the edges of your door.
    • Measure the Door

Use a measuring tape to measure the top, sides, and bottom of your door frame. Make a note of the dimensions.
    • Cut the Draught Strips

Using a hacksaw or scissors, cut the draught strips to match the dimensions you measured. If you're using self-adhesive strips, you can simply peel off the backing and apply them to the door frame. If the strips are not adhesive, use screws to secure them in place.
    • Test for Draughts

After installation, perform the candle or incense stick test again to ensure that the draughts have been eliminated.
  • Door Bottoms Sealed with Brush Strips

Brush strips are an excellent option for draught-proofing the bottom of a door, particularly on uneven surfaces.
    • Measure and Cut

Measure the width of the door and cut the brush strip to fit. Make sure it's snug but not so tight that it hinders the door's movement.
    • Attach the Brush Strip

Screw the brush strip to the bottom of the door. Ensure that it makes full contact with the floor when the door is closed, effectively blocking draughts.
  • Keyhole Covering or Door Escutcheon

Keyholes are notorious for allowing draughts to enter your home. You can easily address this issue with a keyhole cover or a door escutcheon.
    • Remove the Key

Remove the key from the keyhole.
    • Insert the Cover

Slide the keyhole cover or a door escutcheon into the keyhole and ensure it fits snugly. It should prevent any air from entering or escaping.
  • Letterbox Draught Prevention

Letterboxes are another common source of draughts. Here's how to prevent them:
    • Remove the Letterbox Flap

If your letterbox has a flap, gently remove it.
    • Install the Letterbox Draught Excluder

Attach the letterbox draught excluder on the inside of the door, covering the hole. Make sure it's securely fastened to prevent any air from coming through.
    • Replace the Flap

If you removed the flap, reattach it over the draught excluder.
  • Edge Gap Coverage

Sometimes, there may be gaps or cracks along the edges of the door. You can use a combination of draught strips and adhesive sealant to address these issues.
    • Identify the Gaps

Inspect the edges of the door for any visible gaps.
    • Apply Sealant

For small gaps, apply adhesive sealant along the edges. Press the sealant firmly to fill the gaps completely.
    • Apply Draught Strips

For larger gaps, use draught strips. Measure the dimensions of the gaps and cut the strips accordingly. Affix the strips to the door edges to seal the gaps effectively.
    • Test the Draught-Proofing Measures

Once you have completed all the steps, perform the draught test again to ensure that all gaps have been sealed, and no draughts are coming through.

Identifying Draughts on a Door

Before you can effectively draught-proof a door, you need to identify where the draughts are coming in. Here's how to do it:

  • Visual Inspection

Start by visually inspecting the door frame, including the top, sides, and bottom. Look for gaps or cracks where air can seep through. Pay close attention to the areas where the door meets the frame.
  • Feel for Draughts

On a windy day, place your hand near the edges of the door and check if you can feel any cold air coming in. If you can feel a draught, that's where you need to focus your draught-proofing efforts.
  • Use a Candle or Incense Stick

Light a candle or incense stick and hold it near the edges of the door. The flame or smoke will flicker if there's a draught. This method can be particularly useful for locating smaller gaps that may not be visible to the naked eye.
  • Inspect the Letterbox and Keyhole

These are the common entry points for draughts. Make sure to inspect them carefully.

Benefits of Draught-Proofing a Door

Draught-proofing your door offers a wide range of benefits, making it a worthwhile investment for any homeowner. Here are some of the key advantages:

  • Improved Energy Efficiency

Draught-proofing helps maintain a consistent indoor temperature by preventing warm or cool air from escaping and outside air from entering. This can result in significant energy savings and lower utility bills.
  • Enhanced Comfort

Eliminating cold draughts in winter and hot draughts in summer creates a more comfortable living environment for you and your family.
  • Reduced Noise

Draught-proofing can also help reduce outside noise, providing a quieter and more peaceful living space.
  • Lower Carbon Footprint

By reducing the need for constant heating and cooling, you contribute to a smaller carbon footprint and a more sustainable environment.
  • Extended Lifespan of Your Door

Properly sealed doors are less likely to suffer from moisture damage or warping, potentially extending the lifespan of your door.
  • Increased Property Value

Draught-proofing your home is an attractive feature for potential buyers, and it can increase the resale value of your property.


Draught-proofing your door is a practical and cost-effective way to enhance your home's energy efficiency, comfort, and overall liability. Moreover, the quality of your door also matters. Invest in Emerald Doors’ high-quality internal doors and external doors for enhanced functionality of your doors. 

By following these simple steps, using the right materials, and investing in good-quality doors, you can effectively eliminate draughts and enjoy a cozier, quieter, and more energy-efficient home. Plus, with reduced energy consumption, you'll be making a positive impact on the environment. 

FAQs on How to Draught Proof a Door

Below are the questions that we get asked frequently regarding draught-proofing a door.

How do you seal a front door from draughts?

To seal a front door from draughts, you can use draught excluder strips, brush strips, and adhesive sealant. Measure and cut draught strips to fit the door frame, install brush strips at the bottom of the door, and apply adhesive sealant to any gaps or cracks around the edges. This helps to block cold air from entering and maintain energy efficiency.

How effective is draught proofing?

Draught proofing is highly effective in improving energy efficiency and home comfort. It prevents cold air from entering and warm air from escaping, reducing heating and cooling costs. Additionally, it minimizes noise and enhances overall living conditions, making it a valuable home improvement measure.

What is the best material for a door draught stopper?

The best material for a door draught stopper is a dense and insulating material such as foam or rubber. These materials effectively block draughts, are durable, and can be easily cut to fit the dimensions of the door. Some draught stoppers also incorporate weighted or magnetic features for better sealing capabilities.

How do you cover a door draught?

To cover a door draught, use draught excluder strips for the sides and top, attach a brush strip at the bottom, and seal gaps with adhesive sealant. For keyholes, use a cover, and for letterboxes, install a draught excluder. These measures effectively block draughts, enhancing energy efficiency and home comfort.

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Author: Shabana kauser

Shabana Kauser, the Director of Emerald Doors, brings over 20 years of invaluable expertise in the door industry. Her visionary leadership has steered the company to new heights, offering an extensive range of internal and external doors while prioritizing quality and customer satisfaction. The website's glowing reviews stand as a testament to her commitment to excellence. To learn more about Emerald Doors, connect with us on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.